
Frequently Asked Questions #

My Home battery together with Home Assistant #

If you use Home Assistant to control the battery commands you give from within the app might be overruled by Home Assistant. This will make it look like the App isn’t working.
Solution: (Temporarily switch off the Home Assistant control of the battery)

The application isn’t refreshing data #

Mainly on Android sometimes the phone “kills” the timers that are being used to fetch the data from the battery. This will make the app seem ‘frozen’
Solution: At the main screen (with the battery card(s)), pull down to refresh the view. This will make the App rebuild the ui and restart the timers to refresh the data.

Do I need a “Smart meter” to charge or discharge? #

When you want to have the battery charge / discharge itself with a fixed value you don’t need a “Smart meter”. The charge and discharge button tell the battery to either charge or discharge with a fixed value.
The value used can be set in the advanced settings